Monday, July 11, 2011

Riding the Wave!

Report from the field: LE Leader-Kevin

"All the kids have been vigorously attacking the waves each day. The legendary surf instructor Paul Hansen has every student successfully "popping up" and the riding waves. Trevor seems to be a bit of a natural and  hopes this is the beginning of a long and joyful surf career. Ben too seems to be in his element and making the most of his surf time. Dylan "is always ready to throw down anytime  adventures calling". David has been charging it as well, and yesterday suffered a board to the lip, and apparently looks really tough right now, as a result. Sophie will not be denied and prefers the "Riding in" part to the  "Paddling Out" part. Tommy too has been spending most of the day in the water and has enjoyed at least one epic wipe-out. The Super 6 are a tightly bonded group and do everything together. The evening sessions of Mafia have been taken to a whole new level by this group. Everyone is pumped!"

Unfortunately, there are no new photos from the surf section, but we should have more real soon.

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