Friday, July 15, 2011

Silver Falls & Backpacking

Report From The Field -Trip Leader Megan-
The group woke up in the coast of Oregon at Beverly Beach camp ground, and said a farewell to Ben, Tommy, and Dylan.  The group was sad to see them depart, but they were excited to talk about meeting up with each other back home.  The group then got their gear together and headed to Silver Falls to view the scenic routes of "Ten Waterfall" hike.  The group prepared their backpacks, adjusted them to fit accordingly and began a day adventure.  They began their hike at North Falls trail head and walked the epic route of ten waterfalls.  They saw a range of 27 feet to 130 feet waterfalls.  The trail went behind the falls and the campers stood in awe as they watched the water drop hundreds of feet down.  The group talked about preparing for their backpacking trip and making sure all their equipment and gear was comfortable and ready to go.

The next day the group was off on their backpacking journey.  They traveled to Eagle Creek trailhead, loaded up on their backs and began walking.  The first day they completed 7 1/2 miles and spent the night at seven and half mile campground.  David surprisingly mentioned "this is not as bad as I thought it was going to be.  I think I appreciate nature more than I did".   They filled up on amazing chili and voluntarily went to bed at 9:30, so they could begin the next day fresh and ready.  The group woke up, ate some oatmeal and headed for a tiring 7 mile hike.  The challenge was that most of the hike climbed in elevation.  However, it was a successful day and all smiles by the end.  The view of Wahtum Lake was epic and beautiful and the campers were ready for two more days.  Sophie couldn't help but to say "go hard and play hard".   The backpacking was a true sign of how well the group came together and worked together.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Riding the Wave!

Report from the field: LE Leader-Kevin

"All the kids have been vigorously attacking the waves each day. The legendary surf instructor Paul Hansen has every student successfully "popping up" and the riding waves. Trevor seems to be a bit of a natural and  hopes this is the beginning of a long and joyful surf career. Ben too seems to be in his element and making the most of his surf time. Dylan "is always ready to throw down anytime  adventures calling". David has been charging it as well, and yesterday suffered a board to the lip, and apparently looks really tough right now, as a result. Sophie will not be denied and prefers the "Riding in" part to the  "Paddling Out" part. Tommy too has been spending most of the day in the water and has enjoyed at least one epic wipe-out. The Super 6 are a tightly bonded group and do everything together. The evening sessions of Mafia have been taken to a whole new level by this group. Everyone is pumped!"

Unfortunately, there are no new photos from the surf section, but we should have more real soon.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bunny Face, Monkey Face, Steelhead Falls, and Wizards!

The UOB group has continued to impress throughout their non-stop action-filled adventure. Upon master the mountain biking trails-Phils Trail, Whoops Trail, etc. They shifted gears (no pun intended) and entered into the rock climbing leg of their journey. 7 year veteran,Alli S., joined them for 3 awesome days of rock climbing at one of the top spots in North America. The world of Sport Climbing was invented here, and with over 1800 climbs to choose from , their was a climb for everyone. Admittedly, some of the kiddos were more aggressive and eager to climb then others, but those who were not climbing non-stop learned we fully involved as they belayed their partners through each climb. "Climbing?" "Climb On" was heard before each climb. The days began early with climbing beginning around 9 AM each day and lasting until lunch. Then the group would travel a short distance for lunch at the wondrous oasis of Steelhead Falls.
 Upon rehydrating, refueling, and refreshing the group would return to a new climbing site and climb from 4-7PM.  We climbed at sites named: Massa Verde, Rope-a-Dope, Bunny Face, and not far from the legendary Monkey Face. These were long adventurous days and average bedtime throughout the trip has been 9:30 voluntarily. Alli, our climbing specialist, reported that each kid progressed throughout the course and they began the 1st days climbing 5.6 and 5.8 routes. By the end, both Sophie and Trevor successfully charged up some 5.10c's, which is absolutely astonishing. Most of our leaders, who climb year-round, weren't even able to keep up with those two. Ben also cranked out a 5.10a. 
Fourth of July was celebrated with a night hike along the Misery Trail. With headlamps and backpacks they watched fireworks from high up on the trail. It was said to be a very festive evening.

Yesterday the expeditions left the high desert plateau and headed for Crater Lake, one of the worlds most beautiful natural wonders. There is still a considerable amount of snow at Crater Lake, so taking a dip was not an option. They hiked the rim trail and snapped photos of the famed Wizard Island, then later in the afternoon soaked in the nearby Tokatee Hot Springs. They head for Coast today, Next up Sandboarding and Surfing!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Over the River and through the woods........

Ultimate Oregon B finished up a successful river run of the Deschutes River, bravely tackling class III & IV rapids. The group had great weather and the rafting guides provided the group with delicious meals along the way. Highlights included charging huge white water rapids- Boxcar, Elevator and 4 Chutes Rapids. Some of the kids enjoyed the backcountry protocols of "pooping in a hole", while others learned they prefer modern plumbing. David and Trevor braved the always fun Duckie boats, and ultimately ended up capsizing before being plucked out of the water by their fellow tripmates.
We were sorry to learn that Emily injured her knee on Day 2, and will unfortunately have to leave the program. Sadly, her 2 hometown counterparts will also be leaving the program today as well.

Yesterday, was the first day of mountain biking and leaders reported an outstanding day on the trails. We were fortunate to get a bunch of action shots from the day and posted them on Picassa. Today will be another day on the trails. This evening the group will look forward to meeting their counterparts known as Ultimate Oregon A, whom will be joining them at Smith Rock State Park campground. They are a great group of kiddos who have been doing the reverse itinerary of Ultimate Oregon B. We should also mention that Longacre legend and 6 year vet Ali,will be joining the group this evening. She is our Rock Climbing specialist and always brings lots of charisma, experience and pizazz to the program.

We will continue to post updates and photos as we get them.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ulitmate Oregon B- First Night at Camp -Snowboarding at Mt.Hood

Jason Eckman here at Longacre Expeditions. I was fortunate enough to visit this group on the first night out at Camp Creek campground near Mt. Hood. It was a surprisingly chilly night, but this group of adventurers was not going to let their pursuit of fun be denied by a little cold. Earlier in the day they had stopped of a Portland's Laurelthurst park for lunch and some orientation. I met them there and was immediately impressed with the high energy and smiles, after all it had been a long travel day. For dinner that night trip leaders Megan, David and Kevin prepared a terrific Mexican feast of Quesadillas and Guacamole. The group gathered around the picnic table and joined "Uncle Jason" for some ghosts stories and tales from the White Mountains of NH. David L. shared an equally spooky tale before calling it a night. Dylan and Ben seemed to be the most pumped about Mt. Hood, a promised to create some awesome videos for LE upon trips end. Take a look at these action shots and short video clip!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Ultimate Oregon B's Ready to Raft!

UOB preparing for 3 days on the Deschutes River.

The Ultimate Oregon B expedition headed out for the Rafting portion of their program yesterday. They will be camping out under the stars on the banks of the Deschutes River. They paddle out on Wednesday afternoon. We will look forward to hearing about their adventures. The kiddos will call home on Thursday!