Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bunny Face, Monkey Face, Steelhead Falls, and Wizards!

The UOB group has continued to impress throughout their non-stop action-filled adventure. Upon master the mountain biking trails-Phils Trail, Whoops Trail, etc. They shifted gears (no pun intended) and entered into the rock climbing leg of their journey. 7 year veteran,Alli S., joined them for 3 awesome days of rock climbing at one of the top spots in North America. The world of Sport Climbing was invented here, and with over 1800 climbs to choose from , their was a climb for everyone. Admittedly, some of the kiddos were more aggressive and eager to climb then others, but those who were not climbing non-stop learned we fully involved as they belayed their partners through each climb. "Climbing?" "Climb On" was heard before each climb. The days began early with climbing beginning around 9 AM each day and lasting until lunch. Then the group would travel a short distance for lunch at the wondrous oasis of Steelhead Falls.
 Upon rehydrating, refueling, and refreshing the group would return to a new climbing site and climb from 4-7PM.  We climbed at sites named: Massa Verde, Rope-a-Dope, Bunny Face, and not far from the legendary Monkey Face. These were long adventurous days and average bedtime throughout the trip has been 9:30 voluntarily. Alli, our climbing specialist, reported that each kid progressed throughout the course and they began the 1st days climbing 5.6 and 5.8 routes. By the end, both Sophie and Trevor successfully charged up some 5.10c's, which is absolutely astonishing. Most of our leaders, who climb year-round, weren't even able to keep up with those two. Ben also cranked out a 5.10a. 
Fourth of July was celebrated with a night hike along the Misery Trail. With headlamps and backpacks they watched fireworks from high up on the trail. It was said to be a very festive evening.

Yesterday the expeditions left the high desert plateau and headed for Crater Lake, one of the worlds most beautiful natural wonders. There is still a considerable amount of snow at Crater Lake, so taking a dip was not an option. They hiked the rim trail and snapped photos of the famed Wizard Island, then later in the afternoon soaked in the nearby Tokatee Hot Springs. They head for Coast today, Next up Sandboarding and Surfing!

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