Friday, July 15, 2011

Silver Falls & Backpacking

Report From The Field -Trip Leader Megan-
The group woke up in the coast of Oregon at Beverly Beach camp ground, and said a farewell to Ben, Tommy, and Dylan.  The group was sad to see them depart, but they were excited to talk about meeting up with each other back home.  The group then got their gear together and headed to Silver Falls to view the scenic routes of "Ten Waterfall" hike.  The group prepared their backpacks, adjusted them to fit accordingly and began a day adventure.  They began their hike at North Falls trail head and walked the epic route of ten waterfalls.  They saw a range of 27 feet to 130 feet waterfalls.  The trail went behind the falls and the campers stood in awe as they watched the water drop hundreds of feet down.  The group talked about preparing for their backpacking trip and making sure all their equipment and gear was comfortable and ready to go.

The next day the group was off on their backpacking journey.  They traveled to Eagle Creek trailhead, loaded up on their backs and began walking.  The first day they completed 7 1/2 miles and spent the night at seven and half mile campground.  David surprisingly mentioned "this is not as bad as I thought it was going to be.  I think I appreciate nature more than I did".   They filled up on amazing chili and voluntarily went to bed at 9:30, so they could begin the next day fresh and ready.  The group woke up, ate some oatmeal and headed for a tiring 7 mile hike.  The challenge was that most of the hike climbed in elevation.  However, it was a successful day and all smiles by the end.  The view of Wahtum Lake was epic and beautiful and the campers were ready for two more days.  Sophie couldn't help but to say "go hard and play hard".   The backpacking was a true sign of how well the group came together and worked together.

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